Announcing The New, Fountain of Youth
for Denture Wearers
Join the "FOY" phenomenon! ™

Why Denture Fountain of Youth®

Because A Confident Smile Is A Beautiful Smile!

While traditional dentures are a popular option for teeth replacement, FOY Dentures® are the only denture that offers you the level of comfort, customization and confidence that you can get with a dental restoration. They are also the only type of denture that works to combat jaw bone resorption, the cause of the aged or "sunken in" facial appearance that occurs when we lose our teeth.

Unknown to most patients who experience tooth loss are the issues that occur as a result of not having teeth in the form of jawbone deterioration. The bone material that the tooth root is attached to is accustomed to physical stimulation that is produced by normal behaviors of biting and chewing. As long as natural teeth are in place and disease is absent, our upper and lower jaws can be

expected to remain healthy and intact. However the loss of our teeth and their former replacement – traditional dentures that are designed to rest on top of the gum tissue – do not provide direct stimulation to the jaw bone material and thus do nothing to combat the effects of jawbone resorption, resulting in patients who look much older than they actually are.

FOY Dentures® are designed to stimulate the jawbone by creating a better fitting denture that rests partially on the muscles. They are placed to build the bite at a position that the muscles will best function; the same position that provides the greatest facial support and works to achieve stability and greater facial aesthetics.

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Advantages Over Traditional Dentures

There is no comparison to the benefits FOY Dentures® give their wearers. Although economy dentures may be tempting because of their cost-saving factors, the added benefit of having a denture that maintains and supports your face as well as allows you to eat whatever you want is much more appealing than one which leads to jawbone deterioration and an aged appearance.

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What Does it Cost?

A portion of FOY Dentures® may be covered by dental insurance or paid with dental financing. Visit this section for more info.

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How Do Our Dentures Work?

FOY Dentures® employ principles of neuromuscular dentistry that seek to achieve and maintain optimum muscle relaxation and function.

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